About Us
Barstow Adult School successfully provides a variety of on campus, online, independent study and distance learning educational programs
During Distance Learning our adult students utilize their personal devices to interact with their instructors during live sessions, complete program materials, review and utilize their textbooks and workbooks, complete projects, and implement supplemental resources if necessary.
Online learning resources include educational platforms such as: PLATO, GED, Aztec Software, Burlington English, and APEX. Users will be issued usernames and passwords. To remain active in the online programs, users must log a minimum of three hours of online time per week. Failure to meet the 3 hour a week guideline will result in deactivation of the learning account. An academic contract will be required to reestablish the student's online learning account.
Student support and small group sessions are available on campus through an appointment or on a walk-in basis.
Students will be required to complete program testing requirements multiple times throughout the school year
Pearson Vue (GED) and Adult Education CASAS testing sessions (Assessments, Pre-Test, and Post Testing) are held in person, on campus and completed by following all implemented health, social distancing, and safety guidelines.